

Analysis and Mathematical Physics | Lecture series

The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, through the Instituto de Investigaciones Aplicadas y en Sistemas, cordially invites you to the Analysis and Mathematical Physics AMP 2024 online conference.

The Analysis and Mathematical Physics AMP 2024 conference stands as a globally significant event, uniting experts and emerging researchers from across the globe. Its primary aim is to delve into mathematical quandaries within the realm of mathematical physics, a field that intricately intertwines pure mathematics with theoretical physics.

This conference serves as a nexus for experts and budding researchers worldwide who are either actively engaged or intrigued by mathematical conundrums within the context of mathematical physics. Moreover, it serves as a platform to foster the exchange of innovative ideas and cultivate both existing and future scientific collaborations.


  • Exchange of ideas: The conference serves as a vibrant platform for the exchange of innovative ideas and the discussion of advanced theories in analysis and mathematical physics. Participants can engage in dynamic discussions, gaining fresh perspectives and insights into cutting-edge research.
  • Scientific collaborations: Attendees are encouraged to foster both current and future scientific collaborations, providing a unique opportunity to connect with colleagues from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations. These collaborations can pave the way for groundbreaking research initiatives and interdisciplinary projects.
  • Learning and professional Development: Participants will have the invaluable opportunity to learn from leading experts in the field of analysis and mathematical physics. Additionally, they can showcase their research findings through presentations, gaining exposure and receiving constructive feedback to further enhance their work. This interaction with esteemed professionals contributes to continuous learning and professional growth.
  • Networking: The conference facilitates professional networking opportunities, enabling attendees to establish meaningful connections within the academic and research community. These networking opportunities can lead to collaborations, job prospects, and other avenues for academic and professional development
Direct and inverse spectral and scattering theory for differential and difference equations and for systems of such equations.
Differential operators on spatial networks.
Differential operators on closed sets.
Inverse problems for nonlocal operators.
Orthogonal polynomials, Jacobi and CMV matrices.
Quantum graphs.
Applications of spectral and scattering theory to quantum mechanics and plasma physics.

Comité organizador:

  • Tuncay Aktosun, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
  • Sergei Avdonin, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
  • Ricardo Weder, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
  • Vjacheslav Yurko, Saratov State University, Rusia



Evento gratuito


El registro cierra el 15 de junio.

Posted by: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México