

UANL World Trade Center: Empowering SMEs

Eugenio Reyes Guzmán, Head of Economic Development at the University, highlighted the achievements of the small and medium-sized companies that have received advice over the past six years.

Following the conclusion of the current six-year governmental term, the World Trade Center-UANL conducted a brief review of the support and benefits that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Nuevo León and Mexico have received during this period.

Over the last 20 years, Mexico has implemented several programs dedicated to supporting the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Among these is the World Trade Center-UANL, which has been operating since 2007 under the Small Business Development Center model. This program primarily focuses on established companies that take risks in expanding and increasing their number of employees.

How do we tackle social problems? One effective solution is through job creation, and that is precisely what WTC UANL has achieved over the last six years. Thanks to the intervention of our advisors in various fields—many of whom are proud university students—our university has become a national leader in supporting SMEs

Eugenio Reyes Guzmán
Head of  WTC UANL

The statistics from the university agency indicate that over the past six years, it has benefited 1,665 SMEs with 21,215 hours of consulting. This support has led to an economic impact equivalent to 15,877 jobs generated or preserved (9.5 jobs per SME) and an increase in sales of 3,085.6 million pesos (1,835,237 pesos per SME).

Supporting strategies

Reyes Guzmán revealed that these favorable indicators are the result of strategic initiatives focused on training, advisory services, and the creation of communities, chambers, and specialized clusters to support SMEs.

We train more than 6,000 people annually and provide advisory services to 500 SMEs. We continuously invite experts to share their knowledge and methods. This support extends to civil associations as well. Our goal is to ensure that SMEs know they are not alone and that UANL is by their side, supporting them”.

Eugenio Reyes Guzmán

The executive specified that one of the Center’s new objectives is to elevate SMEs and entrepreneurs to the next level. This will be achieved by creating a roadmap through talks and conferences, designed to help them achieve greater and faster success in their development.

  • 1,665
    Total number of firms covered.
  • 21,215
    Total number of consulting hours.
  • 5,877
    Total number of employment generated.
  • 3,085
    Millions of pesos in revenue increases.

Posted by: Portal Web