

UANL: Mexico’s Inventiveness Power

Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon currently has 413 titles and registrations of inventions developed by students, professors, and researchers that positively transform society and provide solutions.

Thanks to the creativity and commitment of university inventors, UANL has achieved a leading position as one of Mexico’s leading educational institutions in the field of industrial property.

Historically, the Maximum Academic Institution of Nuevo Leon has earned 412 titles and registrations of inventions designed by students, professors, and researchers, ranking the University among the top 3 public universities with the highest number of applications and grants in this category.

As part of Mexican Inventor’s Day, UANL President Santos Guzman Lopez acknowledges the scientists of the institution who, with their work, promote innovation and competitiveness of the state and the country in the world.

“In these 90 years since its foundation, our university’s inventions have had a positive impact on society, generating solutions to social and industrial problems,” said Guzman Lopez in his message.

Out of the 413 titles and registrations of inventions at UANL, 180 are patents in the fields of biotechnology, chemistry, mechanics, pharmaceuticals, and electricity, as well as 73 utility models and 160 industrial designs.

The UANL Center for Business Incubation and Technology Transfer (CIETT), a department responsible for providing advice and processing industrial property applications, promotes more than 500 inventions in a technological portfolio that seeks to connect with the different needs of the industry.

The impact of technological development on lifestyles

For Marco Antonio Garza Navarro, a researcher at the UANL School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, generating technological developments is an opportunity to have an impact on different areas that can improve people’s lifestyles.

Garza Navarro, who is a member of the National System of Researchers Level I attached to Conacyt, has worked for 10 years with the synthesis of new materials and has patents such as a material based on silver nanoparticles for dental implants.

A way that will help restore the planet

Elva Teresa Arechiga Carvajal had many experiences as a child trying to find explanations for different phenomena by observing animals and experimenting with the things that surrounded her environment.

This curiosity led Arechiga Carvajal to become a researcher at the UANL School of Biological Sciences, where she carries out multidisciplinary work with the main objective of contributing to the restoration of the planet.

The scientific work of the researcher Elva Teresa Arechiga Carvajal has contributed greatly with:

  • 2 patents
  • 1 patent pending
  • 1 patentability study
  • 1 technology transfer project


179 Patents
73 Utility models
160 Industrial designs


77 Biotechnology
59 Chemistry
16 Mechanics
17 Pharmacy
10 Electric

Posted by: Portal Web