

World-class research center

The Center for Research in Agricultural Production has almost four decades of work in the breeding of all types of cattle.

In the last five years, UANL specimens have won two world championships. The transfer of technology to benefit producers in the region and the country has been one of its main tasks.

State-of-the-art technology.

At the research center, they breed Simbrah, Simmental, Brangus, and Red Brangus cattle. They seek animals with lower birth weight but that genetically develop volume with aging. Monitoring indicates that they should be born with a birth weight between 37 and 40 kilograms and that at the time of weaning their weight should oscillate between 260 kilograms. The specimens are identified, marked, registered, cataloged, and evaluated for 110 days.

Reproductive Biology.

In 2018 they were in the United States to be crowned as the World Champion Supreme Tiger, breeders from Australia wanted to buy semen straws from them. However, they needed that specimen to stay there for a while, since in Mexico there are no certified laboratories for sperm collection.

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