Martín Edgar Reyes Melo
Líneas de investigación
Reología de polímeros.
Propiedades eléctricas y magnéticas de polímeros híbridos.
Aportaciones en investigación y académicas
A fractional calculus approach to study mechanical relaxations on hybrid films of Fe2O3 nanoparticles and polyvinyl butyral, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 139, 113-124 (2020).
The effect of iron oxide nanoparticles on the mechanical relaxation of magnetic polymer hybrid films composed of a polystyrene matrix, a fractional calculus approach. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 136, 3-14 (2019).
Fabrication and characterization of isotropic and anisotropic magnetorheological elastomers, based on silicone rubber and carbonyl iron microparticles, Polymers 10, 1-13 (2018).
Dynamic behavior of magnetic hybrid films of polyvinyl butyral/iron oxide nanoparticles (PVB/Fe2O3) for their control as microactuators, Physica B: Physics of condensed matter. 549, 113-117 (2018).
Synthesis and characterization of a polymeric magnetic hybrid material composed of iron oxide nanoparticles and polyvinyl butyral, IngenIería InvestIgacIón y Tecnología (UNAM) XIX, 113-123 (2018).
Aportaciones al desarrollo institucional
Top downloaded paper 2018-2019. The effect of iron oxide nanoparticles on the mechanical relaxation of magnetic polymer hybrid films composed of a polystyrene matrix, a fractional calculus approach, published in Journal of Applied Polymer Science.
Ha obtenido el Premio de Investigación UANL en 1999, 2004, 2009, 2011 y 2012.
Miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias.
Responsable: Dirección de Investigación